Preliminary Investigations
Posted on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 @ 11:52pm by Lieutenant JG Kevin Lance
Coming Aboard
Location: Diplomats' Quarters
Timeline: After the firefight
The starbase's security detachment arrived just after Commander Relor beamed out with Lieutenant Balrog. They quickly and efficiently took control of the Ferengi antagonists, processing them before escorting them to the base's holding cells. Kevin dismiss Jenkins and the rest of the Independence security detachment back to the ship. He looked for Commander Ellis but it appeared that she had left the scene.
Kevin entered the Diplomat's Quarters adjoining the Atrium where the majority of the starbase's personnel had congregated. Inside several of the starbase's medical personnel we attending to four unconscious Ferengi. Judging by their expensive looking clothing, Kevin guess that they were the diplomats assigned to these quarters.
A Marine Captain was giving orders to various Marine and Starfleet personnel. Kevin walked up to him and snapped to attention, "Sir, Lieutenant j.g. Kevin Lance. Chief Tactical Officer of the U.S.S. Independence."
The Marine Captain acknowledged Kevin with a nod. "Sergeant Drake said that your intervention was timely," he said, "You have my thanks." Kevin inclined his head in a self deprecating half-nod.
"The body that they pulled out of the cargo container is one of yours?' The Marine asked.
"Yes, Sir," replied Kevin, "Lieutenant Balrog"
"What was he doing in a cargo container?"
"No idea, Sir. He was suppose to have arrived aboard two days ago but reported to the wrong ship."
The Marine Captain gave Kevin a quizzical look. Kevin could only shrug.
"Any idea what this attack was all about?" Kevin asked.
"Probably a Ferengi-thing," said the Captain, "These Ferengi are part of a Trade Delegation from the Levant Consortium." It was a humanization of the Ferengi's true name, Kevin knew, simplified to be able to be spoken in Federation tongue. "The attackers we don't know yet. We have a Ferengi sociologist assigned to the station. She should be able to give a a read out on them."