
  • 1 Mission Posts

Ensign Valentina Ferrón

Name Valentina Ferrón

Position Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

User Permissions Limited
Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 137 pounds
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Svelte and graceful, with an expressive face and full lips


Spouse None
Children None
Father Gilberto Ferrón
Mother Ángela Ferrón
Brother(s) Cayno Ferrón
Ramon Ferrón
Falah Ferrón
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Valentina is a quiet, reserved young woman who struggles to keep her passions in control. Burdened by expectations from her family, she sought refuge of equality and meritocracy in Star Fleet. She works hard to prove that she is not just a pretty face but will conceal her intelligence around strangers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Observant with a sharp mind. Great endurance but physically weak. Tendency to be devious.
Ambitions To achieve success in career and family
Hobbies & Interests Dance (particularly ballet), Math, Logic

Personal History Valentina is the youngest child of descendant of Spanish Grandees and only daughter in the current generation. She was the favorite child of her mother, aunts, and grandparents. Into her, two generations of Ferron women poured their hopes, fears, and desires. Her older brothers, all scrappy Footballers, were very protective of her. Valentina grew up feeling grateful to her family but stifled nonetheless.

Her natural beauty and intelligence made her a target of other girls’ and later boys’ jealousies. Her female relatives would not let her hide her appearance so she hid her intelligence instead to give others a sense of security and superiority. She excelled in ballet, was a teenage Miss Madrid, and was able to “only just” pass college entrance exams. But life at the University of Barcelona was much the same. She enlisted in Star Fleet at the end of her sophomore year.

Initially trained as a Ship Operations Specialist, Valentina was quickly appointed as Command Yeoman to then-Commander Hellion, Executive Officer aboard USS Challenger. She was able to pick up much experience observing Commander Hellion and the other officers. She transferred to the USS Independence with Captain Hellion and eventually applied for a Mission Advisor position on the ship’ Strategic Operations staff. She completed her baccalaureate degree in Mathematics and Logic, and qualified for commission as an Ensign. She has since served as one of the Strategic Operations Officers aboard U.S.S. Independence
Service Record 2379 – Joined Starfleet as an Enlisted Ship Operations Specialist, USS Challenger
2380 – Command Yeoman, USS Challenger and USS Independence
2382 – Strategic Operations Mission Advisor, USS Independence
2384 – Commission as Ensign. Strategic Operations Officer, USS Independence