Doctor Doctor
Posted on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 @ 9:05am by Lieutenant Commander Feyd Relor
Coming Aboard
Location: Starbase
Timeline: Current
He he he...
Feyd watched, in amusement, down the sight of his phaser rifle, as the chef walked in front of the business end and berated the Lieutenant in Starfleet yellow. The man didn't bat an eyelid, but instead stared straight ahead, his body all but rigid.
The doctor cocked an eyebrow as the warning signs of shock started to register dimly in his medically trained mind. He shouldered the rifle and pulled out his medical tricorder just as Balrog went down like a...well, like a large man. "Shit." He said, and went to his side, running the device up and down his body. His heart rate was off the charts.
Lance sidled up beside him. "What's wrong with him?" the Chief of Security asked.
"How the hell should I know!?"
Is Balrog going to make it?
Lieutenant Commander Feyd Relor
Chief Medical Officer
USS Independence