Preliminary Investigations Part II
Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 8:39pm by Lieutenant JG Kevin Lance
Coming Aboard
Location: Starbase
Timeline: Current
The sociologist, Doctor Salinas, reclined in her chair behind the desk her feet were resting on, exposing a shapely pair of calves. Kevin found it hard to keep focused on her face. She was staring intently at the PADD in her hands, her brow furrowed in concentration. Kevin looked at the wall behind her. It was covered in gaudy gold and latinum covered artifacts that he assumed were Ferengi.
"The attackers appear to be part of the Nazrarot Business Interest, " said the sociologist in a soft soprano, "They are a smaller consortium, an up and coming group within the Ferengi Alliance."
Kevin focused on the sociologist's face as he asked, "Why would they attack a Federation Starbase?
"Likely they weren't," she replied absently, "They were attacking the trade negotiators from the Levant Consortium."
"Again, why?"
Doctor Salinas looked up from her PADD, "How much do you know about Ferengi, Lieutenant?"
"Only that if you think you've made a deal with them, count your limbs, then your digits, then your relatives."
Doctor Salinas smiled at the old joke, "Ferengi culture is dominated by their males' ego which is wrapped up in their business acumen. Everything that they do is calculated to increase that business acumen."
"I am confused," admitted Kevin, "How does an attack on a trade delegation increase business acumen?"
"34th Rule of Acquistion," Dr Salinas shrugged, "'War is good for business'."
Now it was Kevin's turn to furrow a brow, "So, this was economic warfare?"
"For a Ferengi, everything is about economics," the doctor smiled, "Even the way they engage in intercourse."
Kevin felt the color rising in his face. "Um, ah, err," he stuttered, "What was the, um, profit in attacking?"
"That is the real question, isn't it," replied the doctor with a more serious countenance. Kevin was both relieved and disappointed as she pulled her feet off the desk and sat up straight in her chair. "The Nararot will deny any involvement and claim this failed attack was a folly by junior members of the Interest without the sanction of the leadership."
"A folly?" Kevin asked.
"A Ferengi legal device to transfer responsibility to an underling," the doctor explained.
"But the attack was sanctioned by the Interest," Kevin suggested.
"Absolutely," replied the doctor, "Good luck proving that, though."
Kevin considered what the sociologist had told him, rubbing his jaw. "If this is economic warfare targeting business acumen," he mused, "then we need to find were their interests conflict."
The sociologist pressed the end of her nose with her index finger in a gesture that completely escaped Kevin.
Curiouser and curiouser
By Lieutenant Commander Feyd Relor on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 9:27pm
Well written! Love it.