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Our Assistance Is Needed

Posted on Mon Aug 3rd, 2020 @ 8:21pm by Captain Mystery Ellis

Mission: Distress Call
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current


Someone suggested we get a mission up. So that said here we go. With two new crew members we’ll start out with an easy one so our XO and Science Chief can get their feet wet as they say.

After much consideration I’ve decided to go with the time frame of 2385. Not sure where that fits in with the Trek Universe but it seems to be in the middle of several ideas.

This is also the Genesis for our new mission. Let’s have some fun.


The crew had for the most part enjoyed some badly needed down time on Risa. Mystery had contacted her caretaker for her house and had the house secured. Part of her considered selling it as going home just wasn’t easy at times. Something to really think about.

After beaming to the ship Mystery headed for her quarters to change into her uniform. She’d met her new first officer and the new science chief and knew both were good officers, they’d be an asset to the ship just like the rest of the crew.

Mystery arrived on the bridge a few minutes later, the officer manning the bridge stood up and stepped aside from the center seat.

“Captain,” communications called out “We’re getting a distress call from the freighter Olympia, they need assistance, multiple system failures. They have life support but that is all. They’re adrift.”

“Recall the crew, send the coordinates to helm, as soon as the crew is aboard we’ll break orbit and proceeded there at warp four. Notify the freighter we’ll be there as soon as we can,” Mystery ordered

“Understood captain, I’m recalling the crew, helm has the coordinates,” communications answered.

Mystery had received word on Lieutenant Balrog and what had happened. Tapping her com-badge “Sick bay this is the captain how is Lieutenant Balrog doing?”



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