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The Ferengi Delegation

Posted on Fri Feb 21st, 2020 @ 5:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Feyd Relor

Mission: Coming Aboard
Location: Starbase
Timeline: Current


Let's get some action going.


[[Airlock to the Starbase]]

Feyd breathed a steadying breath as the doors slid aside, bringing the phaser rifle up and staring down the sight. The Security personnel from the Independence flanked him as they moved as one into the Starbase.

When no one started shooting at them right away, they moved further down the corridor, the sounds of weapons fire drawing them on. While Feyd was a doctor, and there to render medical aid should it be needed, he was also an experienced in guerrilla warfare and was ready to lay down cover fire.

They rounded a corner and found two Starbase security personnel crouched behind a portable energy shield. "Status Report." Called Jenkins, the senior Independence Security officer.

"There's a knot of them up there, hunkered down. It's some Ferengi delegation. They're shooting anything that moves!" Jenkins nodded, eased his head around the corner to get a look for a split second, then retreated behind the corner when phaser bolts lanced through the air where is had had been. He calmly reached for his belt, pulled out a spherical object, than lobbed it toward the aggressors.

There were a few shouts in Ferengi, then a bang, followed by silence.

"That ought to do it." Said Jenkins, moving into the atrium beyond.


I'll leave it there for anyone who wants to join in the fun!

Lieutenant Commander Feyd Relor
Chief Medical Officer
USS Independence


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