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I Want Answers

Posted on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 @ 4:43pm by Captain Mystery Ellis

Mission: Coming Aboard
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Sorry for my absence, I fell a month ago and badly hurt my right knee. My insurance just okayed the MRI so I can see how badly hurt my knee is. I’m in a brace but sitting is hard. That said please forgive me.
Also I know many of you are used to speaking for other peoples characters. I ask that is you feel you have to speak for mine that you post her in the manner I have been. It’s happened in the past where my characters have been posted far differently than I have posted them.

Mystery had been shooting Ferengai and tending to wounded. When the last of the Ferengai had been rounded up and sent to the brig on the station.

After speaking to the commanding officer of the star base and having been assured that the Ferengai would be tried and once convicted would be taken to the prison planet of Komba. Satisfied Ellis also ordered the Ferengai ship that was in the docking ring escorted away from the station and returned to their home planet. Should they ever return to the station that they’d be arrested and the ship impounded.

Mystery returned to the ship, several things just were not adding up. There was a report of a crew member who had been somehow placed in a cargo container with some kind of leach like creatures. Another report was that the chef was responsible for the leaches.

Not overly happy about any of this Ellis checked and found out that the crew member who had the leaches on him had been transported to sick bay and the chef had a container or two of the leaches on the ship. To say she was mad was an understatement. Deciding on sick bay first Mystery headed there to see how the officer was doing. Then she’d see to the chef and let him know her feelings on brining that kind of thing on her ship.

Mystery walked into sick bay a few minutes later and over to where the CMO was. “How is he?” she asked “And is there any danger of those leaches on him getting lose on my ship? I intend to speak to the chef as well.”

TAG CMO and Jefferson



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