Ignorance is Bliss
Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 12:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Feyd Relor & Lieutenant JG Kevin Lance
Ghost Station
Location: Various
Timeline: Prior to the Briefing
The computer's voice replied to Lieutenant Lance's inquiry. "Doctor Relor is in Sickbay."
Kevin nodded to himself and headed there.
Feyd looked up from his terminal as the doors to Sickbay slid open, admitting the CoS he had been with on the Starbase. He stood up and exited his office to greet the Lieutenant since Nurse Grimm was off duty.
"Lieutenant, what can I do for you? Get an injury taking down the Ferengi?"
"No, sir," Kevin replied, "I have a few questions about Lieutenant Balrog's condition."
Feyd leaned against a bio bed and gestured for Kevin to proceed.
"I suspect that Lieutenant Balrog may have been placed in the shipping container three days ago," Kevin began, "Did you find any signs of dehydration or nutritional deficiency?"
"Well, yeah." Feyd said, turning to biobed and tapping in a few commands, pulling up Balrog's vitals. "The readings are consistent with that time frame. Sorry, I should have thought to forward that information on to you as part of the investigation, but to be honest I was so relieved the hair-brained treatment the Chef advised worked, it must have slipped my mind."
"I'm not surprised," admitted Kevin, "Based on what I read about Drexels and the number that were in the shipping container with him, I image that his blood chemistry is pretty hard to read." Kevin opened a file on his PADD and showed it to Feyd. "This is what the Ferengi trade delegation was drugged with. Anything similar in Lieutenant Balrog?"
Feyd took the PADD and pulled the file off and merged it with Balrog's blood work. It was an exact match. The doctor looked closer, something about the pattern tickled his memory. "I've seen this before," he said, tapping his lower lip in thought. "Back on Erp, the Murtaw used to ambush some of our fighters, kidnap them, but they'd show up a few days later, no memory of what happened. We needed men, so didn't question it too closely. It's not exact, but close. What do you think it means?"
“I think that Lieutenant Balrog was used as a guinea pig,” Kevin speculated, “Given the size of the shipping container and the similarity of sedative used on him and the Ferengi, I suspect the aggressors intended to abduct the trade delegates in the shipping container.” Kevin took his PADD back from the Doctor. “How pervasive is the memory loss? Would Balrog have any memory of the events immediately proceeding his abduction?”
"Well, the chemical makeup was different, but on Erp the men remembered being taken, they just didn't remember what happened after that. If this stuff they used on Balrog is similar, he should."
“Then I will need to take a statement from him,” Kevin noted, then he asked, “Is there anything else that you think might be relevant? Either in Lieutenant Balrog’s condition or anything that you observed on the starbase?”
Feyd shook his head. "Not that stood out." He tapped a few buttons and downloaded all the medical data from the biobed onto Kevin's PADD. "I've given you the data from his entire treatment. Let me know if I can help further with the investigation."
“Yes, sir. Thank you very much,” Kevin replied and turned to leave the sick bay in search of Lieutenant Balrog.
Lieutenant JG Kevin Lance
Chief of Security
USS Independence
Lieutenant Commander Feyd Relor
Chief Medical Officer
USS Independence