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Posted on Tue Jul 28th, 2020 @ 4:39pm by Captain Mystery Ellis & Commander Sean Silk & Lieutenant Ares Curillo

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: USS Independence
Timeline: Initial


< Arrival >

Ares Curillo was very fond of making grand arrivals especially this time as he beamed in just seconds before his brother Caesar arrived to yell at him. Ever since he had a falling out with his dad Hiram. Hiram was upset Ares left the family ship for this Star Fleet.

Ares didn't want to fight Caesar so when he heard Caesar was on the way to see him Ares took the quick way out by having the ship beam him up early..

Arriving to the ship Ares stepped odd the platform and greeted the transporter officer.

" Can you signal the XO or CO and let them know I am here?" Ares asked him.

"Both are on the bridge," the transporter operator informed him.

So off to the lift the ships new Science Officer went passing numerous peers he hoped to get to know, especially the ladies.

Entering the bridge he spied the two officers snd he walked over to introduce himself.

" Captain Ellis and Commander Silk ChaĆ­rete ( a Greek Hello). I am Lt Ares Curillo the ships new Chief of Science. Reporting for duty."

"Welcome aboard lieutenant," Mystery said "The transporter room notified us you'd beamed aboard."

" I am looking forward to this posting. My stuff will be arriving soon. With your permission I would love to get started? " Ares replied his excitement beaming from his smile.

Silk's eyebrows raised in a show of mirth and interest as he looked to the new arrival. "Get started unpacking, or get started with your duties?"

Mystery nodded "I agree, I suggest you unpack and then check in with your department. We'll be pulling out in a couple of days."

" Very well then., Maybe my stuff came early. Chao." he saluted as he exited the bridge.

He was still excited about the post and looked forward to
meeting others.



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