First Assignment
Posted on Thu Jul 2nd, 2020 @ 4:42pm by Ensign Lucas Miles
Shore Leave
Location: Starbase 12
Timeline: Current
[Starbase 12 – Main Shuttle Bay]
Lucas was at his most relaxed when he was at the helm of any vessel that flew.
He was seated at the helm of a Type-9 Starfleet shuttle, one of his most favourite shuttlecraft even though there were several newer versions. His fingers worked effortlessly across the dashboard controls in front of him as he familiarized himself with the shuttle.
He was just getting ready to depart to Risa to rendezvous with the USS independence as per his transfer orders. Getting a direct flight from Earth to this section of the Alpha Quadrant was rather complicated and long, particularly for a lowly Ensign fresh off the Academy. Luckily, he was able to convince his father, a merchant vessel captain, to bring him from Earth to Starbase 12. This effectively cut his journey from days to hours.
From the starbase, he was able to arrange for a shuttle run to Risa, where he understood that the Independence was currently located – her crew on shore leave. This part was not all that hard. By virtue of its proximity to Risa, and the popularity of the latter as a top tourist destination, there were no shortage of Starfleet officers visiting the planet.
So here he was on the shuttle waiting for the other two officers to arrive. He had been able to convince them to let him fly, which was a lot easier than he had imagined.
Currently, he was completing a pre-flight check of the shuttle. He began by reviewing the last mission log of the shuttle to ensure that no issues were flagged. Next, he checked the fuel levels and was happy to see that it was more than enough to get them to Risa and back twice over. He then began quick diagnostics scans on major systems such as life support, inertial dampeners, structural integrity field, navigation and astrogation systems. He was finishing the scans on the defensive and weapons systems when his passengers arrived.
Entering through the rear of the shuttle was a human female in civilian clothing with a duffle bag slung across her chest. Lucas knew however that she was a Lieutenant who worked in security on the starbase. The next guest was a Vulcan male wearing the standard Starfleet command colours.
“We ready to head out?” asked the woman.
“Yes ma’am,” Lucas replied with a slight grin.
“Well then what are we waiting for gentlemen,” she replied a playful grin on her face. “Pleasure and fun await! And I for one think we shouldn’t let them wait any longer.”
She plumped herself in the seat behind Lucas, to his immediate right. “Contact Operations and request clearance to depart Ensign.”
“Done,” Lucas replied. He had sent the request the moment the two had arrived. The truth was he was just as eager to get to Risa. However, it was not because he wanted to bask in what the hedonistic planet had to offer. The stars knew he had been to Risa more times than he could count and quite frankly, it held little appeal to him.
He was more interested in getting on board the USS Independence and starting his first assignment out of the Academy. He had been waiting for this moment for over four years and he had toiled and paid with blood, sweat and tears for this moment.
“Well then what are we waiting for my good man,” the Lieutenant said the grin on her face widening. “Take us out.”
“Aye Lieutenant,” Lucas replied. He could not be sure, but he got the sense that the Lieutenant was aware of how excited he was to get to his first assignment.
Lucas powered up the engines and disengaged the landing pad clamps. He engaged the antigrav system and the shuttle began to hover. He gently fired the maneuvering thrusters pushing the shuttle forward along the lit path that was indicated in front of him.
Ahead of them, the giant shuttle bay doors were open giving them a view of the star-filled space surrounding them. He knew it was only the forcefield, whose bluish hue cast a shimmering light on the shuttle, that kept the cold and unforgiven darkness of space at bay.
The shuttle edged out of the forcefield and moved farther and farther away from the starbase. Lucas kept his eyes glued on his instrumentation panel. Once they were clear the safety radius, he fired the impulse engines, and began laying in a course for Risa.
“Course laid for Risa. I suggest warp 6, which should bring us there in a little over an hour.”
“Ooh, I like the way you think Ensign. Make it so.”
Lucas smiled as he set the speed. He looked up at the HUD, his eyes piercing through the dark space in front of him littered with stars as if he could see the Risa star system. He felt a sense of apprehension, which was quickly followed by trepidation.
~What if I screw this up~ he thought.
He felt the glances of his passengers. “Problem Ensign?” he could hear the Vulcan say.
“Engaging warp drive,” Lucas replied, shaking the errant thought out of his mind.
What was he thinking? He was Lucas Miles. He was at the helm station of a vessel. This was his art, his science. This was his element. He would go out there and show his crewmates – heck, show the galaxy – what he could do.
He felt the hum of the engines increase in pitch and a second later, the shuttle jumped into warp with the stars streaking past, as if pointing him towards his future and destiny.
“Here I come Independence,” Lucas muttered underneath his breath.
Ensign Lucas Miles
Flight Control Officer
USS Independence
By Lieutenant Commander Feyd Relor on Thu Jul 2nd, 2020 @ 5:10pm
Bravo! More please.