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Posted on Sun Sep 13th, 2020 @ 4:28pm by Captain Mystery Ellis

Mission: Distress Call
Location: USS Independence
Timeline: Current

Captain Ellis sat in her ready room, writing up her mission report for Star Fleet. She still felt a little groggy from the sedative that the aliens had used on her but Doctor Relor had cleared her for duty.

"Captain," the communications officer called over the ship's comms, "We are being hailed by the freighter Olympia."

Mystery sighed "Patch it through," she opened her lap top and quickly logged into it.

The image of Captain Reynolds appeared on here screen, "Lieutenant O'Connell has finished repairs to my ship. With you permission, we will continue our voyage."

Mystery nodded "Is your crew and your family alright?"

"Aside from some injuries as a result of the initial fight to defend our ship, they are unharmed," Captain Reynolds replied.

"That's good news," Mystery said "If my officer is back aboard your free to continue on your way. I hope next time we meet it will be under better circumstances."

"I want to thank you again for saving my family," he paused a moment, then added, "I regret the role that I played in the deception. Had it only been my life at risk, I should have refused."

"We're both lucky as it could have turned out far worse. Next time if there is a next time try sending a encrypted message along with the distress call. Normally I'd not have agreed to his terms but your civilians and that was the only reason I surrendered," Mystery commented "Apology accepted, I was prepared to die."

Captain Reynolds looked distinctly uncomfortable. "Yes," he acknowledged awkwardly, "Well, with that I will be on my way. Reynolds out." The freighter captain's image faded from Mystery's computer screen.


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