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Come again?

Posted on Thu Jan 30th, 2020 @ 12:28pm by Lieutenant Brooks Balrog

Mission: Coming Aboard
Location: Shuttle Bay
Timeline: Current


"What do you think you're doing, hotshot?" asked a young Lieutenant with a strong and heavy build who was in earshot of the conversation. "This ship's only big enough for one Operations Officer, and I've already called dibs."

Balrog gulped. "I guess I could go back to space dock."

"Yeah, you could, couldn't you?"

The attendant handed Balrog back his credentials and glanced at his PADD. "We have a long range shuttle departing tomorrow morning."

"I'll take it!"

"Yeah, you will!" added the large Operations Officer. "I gotta get back to the gym. You better be gone by sundown tomorrow."


What is going on with Balrog?

Lt. Brooks Balrog
Operations Officer
USS Independence NCC-70401


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